Erin Lee on #EmpowerYourselfMonday (EPS 26)!

Join the Association for Women in Communications South Florida (@AWCSF) on Monday, July 11 @ 10 AM EST #EmpowerYourselfMonday (EPS 26) via Twitter Spaces with our board of directors:

*Tonya Scholz, @kNOwAging, President

*Terry Michael, @TerryLiveBreath. Vice President

*Emily Taffel Cohen, @EmilyOnTheAve, Communications Director
Chat w/ Erin Lee, certified Reiki practitioner, oracle card reader, and psychic medium.
Tap link below to join in on the chat via Twitter App 👇

Listen REPLAY!

About Erin Lee:

Erin Lee is a native Floridian. 

In childhood, she often had Clairvoyant experiences before she fully understood the information she was receiving. As a teenager she had a premonition she would be hospitalized with a severe injury: two weeks later a traumatic car accident kept her inpatient for ten days. In adulthood, leaving an abusive relationship led Erin to feel safe in further exploring her psychic gifts. She began with oracle card readings, eventually getting attuned as a reiki practitioner in 2014. With each major life event, despite the challenges she had to face and obstacles she had to overcome, she grew stronger in her psychic and mediumship abilities. Connecting and communicating has been the overarching theme of her entire life: first as a radio personality, and later as a psychic medium. This work is sacred and it is an honor and privilege to be able to help her clients feel strong, empowered, and comforted. It is such a wonderful and treasured gift.

For more information: 
Instagram: @psychicmediumerinlee

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